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Keep It Clean!

Extract from Care Home Catering

June 2016

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You need an outstanding cleaning regime to maintain hygiene standards & food safety when catering for the elderly and vulnerable. Care Home Catering rounds-up the latest equipment and technology. 

However good you think your hygiene is in the kitchen, food prep and service areas, frequent, regular checks and accurate recording of findings is vital to demonstrate due diligence.

A 'clean-as-you-go' approach is recommended, using cleaning products with proven disinfection performance against common food-borne pathogens.

"A fully-functioning, well-maintained warewasher provides heat sanitisation, which is recommended by the FSA for hygienic cleaning and can help prevent cross-contamination of bacteria and food poisoning in a catering environment," says Bob Wood, Director of DC Warewashing. "To prevent cross-contamination it's important that your warewashing equipment is cleaned regularly and maintained properly as part of a cleaning and maintenance regime. Clean and clear filters daily, for example, and inspect (daily) and clean (as required) wash arms and rinse arms."

Read full article in Care Home Catering Magazine Summer 2016 issue ...


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